(Head Business Unit)
Posted on: May 27, 2020
DNA Growth- What is the nature of your business? What kind of products and solutions are you providing to your clients?
Ravijot Singh– We are into the manufacturing of distribution transformers. My father founded this company 25 years ago. Later, I joined the business in the year 2014.
In 2016, we diversified and ventured into solar rooftop integrations. So, at the moment, apart from supplying transformers to the industries, we are also providing them solar rooftop solutions.
DNA Growth- In which states are you supplying transformers? Also, what are the kind of projects you are currently working on?
Ravijot Singh– We are mainly operating through our branch offices at Lucknow and Delhi, apart from our headquarters in Ludhiana.
Currently, we have a few order bookings for transformers from various private institutions across the states of Punjab, Haryana, UP, and West Bengal.
DNA Growth- What is the USP of your company?
Ravijot Singh– Our USP is the expertise that we have gained from our experience. Also, being a veteran brand, people trust us more. People who get associated with us, don’t leave us because they find our products genuine. If you talk about the transformer industry, many times consumers don’t get what they asked for. But, as far as our company is concerned, if a customer wants x, he won’t get x-b.
DNA Growth- What are the challenges that your industry or company is facing due to lockdown?
Ravijot Singh– The biggest challenge as of the lockdown situation comes due to the non-lifting of the ready inventory, leading to a liquidity crisis. Cash inflow has totally been hampered, while outflow in terms of fixed cost is still the same or has slightly reduced. Taking the corporate route has increased our fixed salary component significantly.
DNA Growth- How are you spending your time during the lockdown?
Ravijot Singh– I am conducting webinars with my team on a regular basis. I am just looking forward to the time when this lockdown is over and I can get back to work. Not to mention, my work is my passion.
DNA Growth- What kind of support would you want for your business post lockdown?
Ravijot Singh– Obviously, the capital. Some venture capitalists should come to the forefront. Private equity should come into the picture. We would love to give away the shares of the company and have private partners, instead of burdening our company under loans.
DNA Growth- What message do you want to put across?
Ravijot Singh– My message would be that we all are in the same boat, we have to see the bigger picture. We have to look at the bright side and keep our hopes up. I am very hopeful that there is going to be Sun after the storm. Also, I hope that the government intervenes and provides some kind of stimulus to help businesses sustain.
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