Full Name*
Personal Email ID*
Mobile Number*
Name of the venture*
Business Email ID: (Fill N/A if not applicable)
Business Website: (Fill N/A if not applicable)
Category of your business* Private Limited CompanyPublic Limited CompanyLimited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP)Partnership FirmOne Person Company (OPC)Proprietorship FirmOther
Which sector does your business belong to?*
Which stage is your venture currently at?* IdeaPatentPrototypeFully Operational
Year of inception (If your business is fully operational)
Team size*
Upload a 2 minute elevator pitch for your idea or product* Follow these steps:-
Tell us why the investors should invest in your business within 300 words!*
Mention the names of your three competitors*
Investment required (in INR Lakhs)*
Investment made till date (in INR Lakhs)*
Do you have a* Pitch deckBusiness planCorporate presentationNo
Upload if you have any of the above documents here (Max File size: 2M)*
Tell us why are you participating in DNA Growth Startup India Challenge 2021?*
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